
  • Age: 37

  • Sin: Greed

  • Film: Tarzan

  • Lost Item: His Shotgun

  • Face Claim: Henry Cavill


With the introduction of Tarzan to the Porters' expedition, Clayton makes several unsuccessful attempts to get information on the location of the gorillas from Tarzan, who is far more fascinated by what Jane has to teach him about humans.Days later, a cargo ship arrives to pick up the explorers and take them back to England, much to their dismay. As the ship's crew loads up their luggage and supplies, Clayton and Jane try to reason with the captain and request more time, but the captain refuses because he doesn't wanna fall behind his schedule. Clayton subsequently blames Jane for distracting herself with teaching Tarzan, but Jane retorts that she is just as upset about not being able to find the gorillas. With both his and his employers' goals thwarted, Clayton prepares to leave Africa with Jane and Professor Porter until he witnesses Tarzan asking Jane to stay while presenting her flowers. Realizing Tarzan has strong feelings for Jane, he fools Tarzan into thinking they will stay if he took them to the gorillas. This is, of course, not true—Jane will have had to return to England at some point anyway. However, Tarzan is convinced and has Kerchak, the head gorilla, distracted, so he can lead Jane to the gorillas. Upon arrival, Clayton secretly forges a map to the troop's home. However, Kerchak returns unexpectedly and is furious upon seeing the trespassers and attacks Clayton after the hunter threatens one of the family during a skirmish.Luckily for Clayton, Tarzan manages to pin down Kerchak. Kicked out of the family by Kerchak, a crestfallen Tarzan agrees to return to England with Jane and the professor. However, when they board the ship, they are unexpectedly ambushed by the crew who have also turned on the captain and his officers. As Jane and her father are taken to the ship's brig to be imprisoned, Tarzan tries to flee the thugs but is eventually captured by them. The scuffle ends when Clayton intervenes and fires his rifle. Tarzan is initially relieved to see him and begs for his help, but is soon shocked by Clayton's casual behavior toward the situation and realizes that he is the leader of the thugs. After striking an angry Tarzan in the chest with his rifle's handle, Clayton reveals to him his plan to capture the gorillas and sell them to a zoo for three hundred pounds each (a substantial amount of money in the days when the film was set). In order to further emotionally damage Tarzan's spirit, Clayton sadistically reminds him that only by his own unknowing efforts would he have succeeded and orders him to be imprisoned with the other captives. He and his henchmen then leave in a small boat loaded with large cages and make way for the gorilla's nests.The thugs reach the nests at night and begin to capture the gorillas, netting them, forcing them into cages, and throwing the babies into burlap sacks. Kerchak tries to rescue his group, but is captured as well. Clayton slowly approaches the restrained gorilla leader and prepares to shoot him in revenge for getting attacked by him earlier, but is interrupted when he and his henchmen hear Tarzan's trademark yell. Tarzan and his friends, who have escaped imprisonment with the help of Terk and Tantor the Elephant ambush and frighten Clayton's henchmen (trapping some of them in the same cages they intended to trap the gorillas in), and free the gorillas, including Kala. Clayton is forced to take cover during the scuffle, but soon sets out to kill Tarzan for interfering in his plans.From the undergrowth, Clayton shoots at Tarzan, but the bullet only grazes his arm. Kerchak, who has reconciled with Tarzan after he returned, is fatally shot when he charges at Clayton. After savagely knocking an intervening Jane aside with his shotgun, putting her out of the fight, Clayton confronts Tarzan and they take their battle to the treetops. They both briefly exchange blows and nature versus civilization, but nature wins when Tarzan makes Clayton drop his shotgun, which he grabs and points it at the hunter. Clayton teases Tarzan by telling him to shoot him and be a man, but Tarzan realizes that doing it will only make him no better than Clayton. In retaliation, he angrily presses the shotgun's muzzle against Clayton's neck and instead mimics a loud gunshot, shocking Clayton. Tarzan then retorts he is not - and will never be - a man like him and smashes it to pieces as Clayton watches in horror as the remains of his gun fall to the jungle floor. Clayton flies into a barbaric rage and with a furious roar, he pulls out his machete and attacks. Tarzan jumps back to escape Clayton's furious swipes, then gets Clayton tangled up in a mass of vines. In a fit of rage and frustration, Clayton mindlessly slashes the vines one by one with his machete in an attempt to free himself, but does not notice one vine slip and coil like a noose around his neck. Seeing this, Tarzan warns Clayton to stop, but in his rage, the hunter does not listen to Tarzan's warning and accidentally hacks the final vine holding him up. This sends him and Tarzan plummeting to the ground; ironically, as he falls, Clayton finally notices the vine around his neck and, realizing what's coming, screams helplessly as he desperately tries in vain to disentangle it. While Tarzan lands safely, the vine runs out of slack and snaps Clayton's neck, killing him. Flashes of lightning briefly illuminating a tree behind Tarzan reveal the gruesome shadow of Clayton's hanged corpse swaying ever so slightly, the jungle having claimed him.

Fatal Flaw

Untrustworthy and obsessive

Clayton only wishes to be rich. He's obsessed with money and willing to do whatever he needs to in order to obtain it. Even if that means he'll backstab his friends just to get a few bucks. He's also obsessive with Jane, he doesn't allow her to do much without his approval. He won't lose her or her money.


Bounty Hunter

Clayton works as a bounty hunter under Starfall's police department, classifying him as a specialist police officer. He will fill out reports to benefit him only, if he did something he shouldn't, he will change the report to make him look good.Even though he's technically part of the police department he tends to work with Hades. Clayton will be contacted to collect the money that has yet to be paid back. He tends to like this part of the job more because Hades doesn't care what happens to the person unlike the police department and gets paid well for his job.He tends to shoot first, ask questions later. He's out for himself and making as much money as possible.


  • Jane Porter [Wife]

  • Hades [Business Associate]


The sport of hunting was what Clayton's father brought him up on. He went out almost every weekend to hunt game from the age eight to thirteen. After that, he started going out alone since his father fell into gambling. His addiction with gambling became too much, resulting in the family being kicked out. They went to live in the shelter but his father kept up the gambling bringing more misfortune on his family. Clayton watched as money corrupted his father and eventually his mother. This in turn changed Clayton in becoming obsessed with money, so they wouldn't end up on the streets. He wanted all the money.When he got older, he found out that he could still "hunt" and get a good paying job though the wildlife rescue. He had to play it smart and make sure to only hunt when it deemed necessary. He was there to protect from dangerous animals and humans that may try to be poaching. Which is when he learned what poaching truly was and how much he could make. It was tempting to not go off and poach the animals they were supposed to be playing. However, his plan to get more money was already in motion.The owner of the rescue was an extremely wealthy man who had a daughter. If he played his cards right he could marry into the family. Then the money would become his. She truly was a beauty and perhaps he could maybe come to love her one day, but that would only happen when he had his hands on the big lump of green from the bank.Fates granted him his wish when Jane's father became ill on his death bed. He had built up a repertoire with the man and figured he would give him something for all the "hard" work he had done over the years. However, nothing came and the sicker he got the less likely he was going to get any money. It was time to take action into his own hands. Clayton made sure that no one was around when he snuck into the others room, sat in the chair and patiently waited for the elderly man to wake up. The moment those eyes open, Clayton was over his bed, covering his mouth while glaring down at him. This was his last attempt at the money, and he knew what the old man's weakness was; his daughter.He told the old man that he was going to tell her to marry him after he was gone. If she didn't marry him or the sick man never told her, Jane was going to be looking down the barrel of his gun. It wasn't the first time he killed someone and surely not the last. Jane's father seemed to know this and gave into his demands. He convinced Jane to marry him and after the funeral, Clayton got down on one knee proposing to her acting as he had loved her from the moment he laid eyes on her.After their marriage, Clayton moved her away from the wildlife and into a more "suitable" job for her, though, it didn't make a lot of money. At first he was against it, but eventually he went with it for he didn't want to upset her too much and cause her to leave. After that, he started getting more possessive with her, making sure he knew where she was at all time, who she was with, and keeping her on a tight leash especially when it came to her spending.